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Hop Up magazine popularized the “little pages” (trade-sized or pocket-sized) magazine format (5-1/2″ by 8″). It was started by Road & Track magazine staff at Enthusiasts Publications. Louis Kimzey, the art director, observed the popularity of hot rods and customs and felt a need to cover local cars and events. He convinced editor Oliver Billingsley to create such a magazine.
Bill Quinn really wanted to compete with and outdo Petersen’s Motor Trend, and in June 1953 Hop Up was co-titled as Hop Up and Motor Life. The content began shifting to new cars, and the March 1954 issue was the last one with this co-titling. The phrase Hop Up was dropped from the title afterward, hot rod-related content moved to Rod & Custom, and the remains were titled as Motor Life. Whew!!
And in the last twist of fate, Bill Quinn sold Rod & Custom and Motor Life magazine titles to Petersen Publishing in June 1955.
July 1951 -March 1954
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Cover InformationComing SoonInside this IssueSpecial Features Pg. Road Test...
Hop Up 1951
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Hop Up 1952
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Hop Up 1953
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Hop Up 1954
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