1936 Graham Supercharger sedan Ad "THRILL-L-L..." 8.0 X 11.0

1936 Graham Supercharger sedan Ad "THRILL-L-L..." 8.0 X 11.0
1936 Graham Supercharger sedan Ad "THRIL-L-ING" 7.5 X 14.5
1935 Graham Six sedan Ad "A departure from the commonplace" (8.0 x 11.0)
1935 Graham Six sedan Ad "Distinction at a low cost" (7.9 x 10.5)
1935 Graham Supercharged Eight Ad "There's something about a Graham" 5.5 x 9.0
1935 Graham Six dealer Ad "Covers 98.8% of the market" 7.9 x 11.0
1935 Graham Six Ad (Canada) "The new Graham Six.." (8.5 x 10.5)
1935 Graham Supercharged Eight Ad "There's something about a Graham..." 5.5 x 9.0
1935 Graham Supercharged Eight Print Ad "There's something about a Graham" 5.5 x 9.0
1928 Graham-Paige Ad "A motor car of unusual merit" (12.0 x16.0)
1928 Graham-Paige Ad "Motor cars upon which we proudly place our name" (12.8 x17.0)
1929 Graham Paige 614 Roadster Ad "Performance that thrills" (8.25 x 11.5)
1929 Graham Paige Model 827 Cabriolet Ad "The new thrill in motoring" (8.2 x 10.6)
1929 Graham Paige Model 827 Sedan Ad "The thrill of two high speeds" (8.2 x 10.5)
1932 Graham Blue Streak Ad "Graham reduces prices up to $200" (16.0 x 21.5)
1932 Graham Eight Sedan Ad "Graham reduces prices up to $200" (8.25 x 11.5)