Sports Cars Illustrated – October 1957

Cover Information

Coming Soon

Inside this Issue

Road Test

  •  Aston Martin DB 2/4 Mark III Pg.24
  • A Hotter Volvo Pg. 38


  • Helmet Design: Comfort or Survival  Pg. 16
  • Counterfeiter by Royal Command Pg. 18
  • Tread Lightly on Me! Pg. 30
  • 200 mph in a Sports Car Pg. 40
  • Confessions of an Egg Owner Pg. 42


  • Where Were the Europeans Pg. 12
  • Straight Scotch and the 24-hour Jag Pg. 28
  • You’ve Got to Know the ‘Ring Pg. 44


  • Consistent Champion Part II Pg. 22
  • Time Was No Object Pg. 32


  • Letters Pg. 5
  • Very Sincerely Yours Pg.6
  • Technotes Pg. 11
  • Under the Hood Pg.10

Issue Donated by: Roy Ilse

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