1959 Ford Thunderbird Ad "Preferred by lovers of beauty from 6 to 96!" (17.6 x17.0) NOTE: These were page and one-half spreads formatted for the larger magazines in print.

1959 Ford Thunderbird Ad "Preferred by lovers of beauty from 6 to 96!" (17.6 x17.0) NOTE: These were page and one-half spreads formatted for the larger magazines in print.
1959 Ford Thunderbird Ad "Powered for action - sized for performance!" (17.6 x17.0) NOTE: These were page and one-half spreads formatted for the larger magazines in print.
1959 Ford Thunderbird Ad "This year's outstanding success too!" (17.6 x17.0) NOTE: These were page and one-half spreads formatted for the larger magazines in print.
1959 Ford Thunderbird Ad "Why woman love the new Thunderbird" (12.8 x17.0)
1958 Ford Thunderbird Ad "Grand Entrance" (10.4 x 14.0)
1958 Ford Thunderbird Ad "Another first from Ford . . ." (12.6 x17.0)
1958 Ford Thunderbird Ad "Perfect Setting" (12.6 x17.0)
1958 Ford Thunderbird Ad "The most wanted and admired car in America" (8.2 x11.0)
1958 Ford Thunderbird Ad Copy "New Ford Thunderbird seats a foursome . . ." NOTE: This ad appeared in Holiday Magazine in April 1958.
1958 Ford Thunderbird Ad Copy "Grand Entrance" (24.0 x36.0) NOTE: This as appeared in Harper's Bazar, Town & Country, & House Beautiful in April 1958.
1958 Ford Ad "Ford's best selling convertible has the magic of the Thunderbird" (10.0x 14.0)
1958 Ford Ad "Ride? There's nothing newer in the world!" (10.0 x14.0)
1957 Ford Sunliner Ad "No car "out-handles" the new kind of Ford" (8.2 x11.0)
1956 Ford Thunderbird Ad "Mink Coat for Father" (10.0 x14.0)
1956 Ford Thunderbird Ad "Even dreamier - even newer Ford Thunderbird for '56" (10.0 x14.0)
1956 Ford Thunderbird Ad "The latest version of America's most exciting car"
1955 Ford Thunderbird Ad "Seventh Heaven on Wheels" (8.2 x11.0) B & W version
1955 Ford Convertible Ad "First it warms your heart . . ." (11x14)
1953 Ford of Canada Ad " 53 Ford - V-8 powered - priced with the lowest" (12.6x17.0) As appeared in Star Weekly
1952 Ford Ad "Look what you're missing if you don't own a Ford" (11.0x14.0)
1952 Ford Ad "Newest Car Under the Sun!" (12.3x17.0)
1950 Ford Ad "You name it - Ford has it!" (12x17)
1949 Ford Convertible Ad "It's the '49 Ford by a landslide!" (12x17)
1947 Ford Tudor Ad "Ford's out front with the woman who knows" (13.2x17.0)